Contact Us

Todd Kwait
Ezzie Films

Rob Stegman
BlueStar Media

Meg Hutchinson


  1. Is there any plan to show your film in Wisconsin? I live in Madison, WI and would love to see this film, Pack up your Sorrows. Is there a way to get the film to be shown in other cities?

    • There are no plans for Wisconsin at this time. However, we are actively seeking organizations willing to partner with us to arrange screenings in various cities. So if you are connected with, or know of, mental health or other groups that might fit this bill, please connect us.
      Thank you.

  2. I am interested in learning about how to bring this film to my area. I am connected with a mental health group and a support group for “suicide survivors” (those who have lost someone to suicide). Please contact me.

    Laurie Kiely, LICSW

  3. I an interested in learning how to bring this film to the Lexington, MA, area. I work at The Edinburg Center, but am on the Board of NAMI Central Middlesex and could envision a large audience that would be very interested in seeing your film. Thanks, Janet

  4. As a company who work with folks with this – we would be interested in hosting an event in the community- for our staff,clients, clients families and the greater community. I noticed a previous post from Edinburgh Center- who are located near us. We could collaborate with them since we are neighbors. Thank you for this potent piece of work. We look forward to your response.

    • Hi Regina and Janet
      We are currently assessing how best to make the film available to interested groups and how to structure screenings. We will be in touch.

  5. Hello.

    I was able to attend the recent conference in Larned, KS and am interested in having access to the video as well, to share with colleagues that were unable to attend. Thank you.

    • Thanks very much for your interest Shawna. Beginning in the fall, we will announce here on our website and through our newsletter and Facebook page how the film will be made available for licensing and purchase. Please stay in touch.

  6. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend tonight’s screening at the Roxie. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a showing at the San Francisco Public Library? Thank you for all your excellent work!

    • Thank you for asking. We expect that we will be making the film available for licensed community screenings in the very near future. Details will be available on this site when they become available

  7. Felice De Ruggiero

    Can I rent or buy the DVD anywhere? Any plans to make it available on Netflix, Amazon Instant Video or iTunes movies?

    • Hi Felice
      Thank you very much for your interest.

      For the time being, we are licensing the film for community, college and high school screenings, and we are showing at some film festivals and selected private screenings. Information about licensing these types of showings will be available on our website very soon.

      Starting in early 2016, the film will be available for individual purchase on DVD and digital services. That will be announced on the website, Facebook page and through our newsletter as well.

      Again, thank you for getting in touch.

  8. I am in Montreal, Quebec. Canada. I heard of your film through a friend in Great Barrington who has a link with Meg via her family.

    There is a repertory film theatre, Cinema du Parc, in Montreal which shows films that are frequently missed by the mainstream. If you are looking for possible venues for screening your film outside of western Mass I might suggest that you contact them.

    I’ll sign up for the newsletter (if my postal code doesn’t crash it), so if this plays out I’ll be able to attend.


    Art Hodges

  9. Hi, I attended the film screening at the Lexington Venue last night and wanted to say thank you to Meg and Rob for highlighting such important issues, regarding mental health in such a beautiful, personal, and poignant way. It would be great to see this film shown at the Moving Images Festival held by Vinfen( I have a friend who works at Vinfen, who could help put you in contact with the organizers of the festival.

  10. Dr. Kristen Lee Costa

    Please contact me as I am interested in discussing possibility of sponsoring a screening at my University in Boston, where I am the Lead Faculty for Behavioral Sciences and a tireless advocate for mental health integration and access. Thank you. All best, Kris

  11. I would like to also inquire as to arranging a screening combined with a q/a session with a possible local theater/concert-in-the-round venue that will be procured through connections that our organization has. we do have over 250 members as you will note via our website and the first thought was to have an event exclusive to our clinicians, but we may also open it up to the public if a large enough venue can be secured. how do we further conversation on this? thanks, scott olson, lmhc (and HUGE Meg fan)

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